General Information
Polaris- General information, resources, and reports.
National Human Trafficking Hotline- General information, resources, statistics.
Counter Trafficking Data Collaborative- The first global data hub on human trafficking, with data contributed by organizations from around the world.
OVC Faces of Human Trafficking- Public awareness and educational resources.
DHS Blue Campaign- Blue Campaign is a national public awareness campaign, designed to educate the public, law enforcement and other industry partners to recognize the indicators of human trafficking, and how to appropriately respond to possible cases.
Map of OVC/BJA-Funded Human Trafficking Services and Task Forces
Regional Organizations & Coalitions
Coalition Against Trafficking & Exploitation (CATE)- A united community movement to prevent and respond to trafficking and exploitation.
Gateway Human Trafficking- Educating communities and inspiring positive systemic change to end human trafficking.
Human Trafficking Collaborative Network (HTCN)- Supported by Washington University’s Institute for Public Health, the Human Trafficking Collaborative Network (HTCN) is an informal network of researchers, students and community partners with a common interest in improving understanding of human trafficking and exploitation of vulnerable populations.
National Organizations & Agencies
Freedom Network USA- Freedom Network USA is the largest coalition of experts and advocates providing a human-rights based approach to fighting human trafficking in the U.S..
Office for Victims of Crimes- General information, announcements, training & technical assistance.
Office on Trafficking in Persons
Law Enforcement Specific
FBI What We Investigate: Human Trafficking
ICE Human Trafficking Overview
For Health Care Providers
HEAL Trafficking- Health care specific protocol tool-kit, resources, webinars, publications and reports.
Downloadable Materials
National Human Trafficking Hotline Resources- Trafficking hotline flyer (numerous languages), pocket cards.
Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) - Look Beneath the Surface Campaign- Posters, brochures, pocket cards for a variety of different audiences including: health care providers, social service providers, faith-based organizations, and the general public.
DHS Blue Campaign Document Library- Information sheets, pamphlets, cards, posters, infographics, tool-kits.
Polaris Resources- Toolkits, graphics, data briefs, reports.